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Register for our wait list

Please email us with the following information to put yourself on our wait list:


1. Child's name;

2. Date of birth;

3. In an ideal world, when would you like your child to start?

4. Indicate whether you want a full-time or part-time place;

5. Write why you would like your child to attend a French Childcare Centre;

6. Name of a contact person and how to contact you.


*Please note that our groups are full until August 2025

Our dedicated email for the wait list:


How our wait list works: 

We accept in first the children of our employees.

Secondly, the families of the children who are already part of our Centre. 

Thirdly, it is the teachers of the Notre-Dame school. 

Fourth, it's people from the French-speaking community (that their children will go to a French-speaking school and not an immersion one). 

Finally, the families whose children are going to go to French immersion, English, or other schools.


*We never remove a child from our wait list unless the child is old enough to go to school.


We are aware that we have a very long wait list however we are doing what we can. Our parent board committee is advocating for us to expand our Centre in order to better serve our community. But this will take time!

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